By HateTheBus - 18/03/2019 02:00

Today, I was taking the bus home from work. I went to pull the cord to request a stop when the driver slammed on the breaks to avoid running a red light, causing me to get thrown out of my seat and slide down the aisle and hit my head on a pole by the front of the bus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 406
You deserved it 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well the bus did stop. Just as you wanted it to.

It almost happened to me once before, but I was sitting on the inside seat and there was a barricade in front of me. A senior on the same bus was not so lucky though. He was in a seat that had nothing in front of him. He fell off the seat and onto the floor.


Well the bus did stop. Just as you wanted it to.

bigdaddyeric 35

Hilarious!!!! Wish I had been there to see it !!!

fde2blknimout 18

I guess its true that people who have to ride the bus don’t have enough common sense to know to hold on to something while standing in a moving bus. Jk

It almost happened to me once before, but I was sitting on the inside seat and there was a barricade in front of me. A senior on the same bus was not so lucky though. He was in a seat that had nothing in front of him. He fell off the seat and onto the floor.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Sorry to hear divorce is hard on anyone but to top it off you just lost a major support system you will need during cancer treatment. I hope you have a strong family and friends structure to help during this time of need..