By springbreak09 - 01/04/2009 06:03 - Mexico

Today, I left for vacation in Mexico. Upon landing, I received a text message from the guy I've been seeing. It read, "Sorry, I'm not boyfriend material. Have a good trip." I paid 75 cents to get dumped, internationally. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 919
You deserved it 5 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats great. He gave you a free pass to do who ever you want. Would have sucked if he told you when you got back.


isaiaha11 2

doesnt matter she is in a differant country

Nice how he added "Have a good trip" to the end of that text. Hope you partied and forgot all about that turd.

@2 The OP could very well have unlimited texting, but international texts usually doesn't fall under it, because they're more expensive.

Thats great. He gave you a free pass to do who ever you want. Would have sucked if he told you when you got back.

ROFL @ having to pay for recieving txtmsgs. Sucks to be you.

look on the bright side, now you can get a guilt free dirty Sanchez from someone who will likely actually be named Sanchez

vt_mruhlin 0

"but international texts usually doesn't fall under it, because they're more expensive" "More expensive", as in, "great big scam". It's not like your text messages have to go through customs when they cross the border or something. Sure, there's some cost overhead in exchanging the messages between networks, but not enough to justify what they charge.

AntiChrist7 0

oh no 75 cents. and you probably just needed to pay off a whole lot of debts. How are you gonna do it without the 75 cents? now you're just doomed. disaster struck the reason he dumps you is probably because you are a greedy bitch who gave him a tie for his birthday

Salmonus 0

You know what they say: if you lend somebody $0.75, and you never see them again, it was probably worth it. It sucks, and it's a classless act by him. But hey - I'm out $200 for a plane ticket in a similar enough situatoin, and it was still worth it :p animalhouse: I don't know what plan you have, but all of the major carriers I know of in the US don't let you choose which texts to receive; you could block a user, or block them all, but who'd block their boyfriend?