By itrustedsnapeallalong - 28/08/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, for the first time, I hugged the man I have been in love with for four years. It was a congratulatory hug at his wedding to my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 933
You deserved it 14 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This may sound mean, but you should've gotten over it after they started dating.


ubernerdychick 0

You trusted Snape all along AND you loved a man and never told anyone... Dumbledore, is that you?!

Why didn't you stand up for yourself earlier?

NaziZombie 0

I think you should be happy for his happiness. You totes should have asked him/her out when you had the chance though.

MiseryAlice 0

You should have told him how you felt. You have two choices; tell him how you feel, which it can never be too late for, and see how he feels back. I'd wait to make your move till the right time, like when they get into a fight or something. Its kinda backstabbing, but if you really want something you have to make sacrifices. If you really don't want to tell him, you have to move on. Or if he doesn't feel the same way (which he probably doesnt) then you should move on. It might take a year, but it'll work out. For it truley to be right, he has to feel the same exact way you do. And if he doesn't, then you have to find someone who will. And what is it with people complaining that "she's not in love with him." She might be in love with him, she might not. You don't have to date someone to love them.

Clearly your best friend was also in love with him, since she married him. She may be your best friend, but I sure hope you aren't hers - everyone deserves a best friend who will be happy for her (or him) when she (or he) gets married. Do the newlyweds a favor and get over him.

the_commentator 0

The OP should NOT tell her "love" that she digs him. Especially while he's married. FFS. I'm sorry, OP but you did bring this upon yourself. You had four years to tell him that you liked him before the wedding. Telling him during a fight between is spouse is the lowest of the low. What if he tells your best friend that you tried to steal him away? It'll just make you look like a desperate ho-bag who only wants what she can't get -- I'm not implying that you ARE one, but he might think so. I'm sorry, you lost your shot. Maybe one day if things don't work out between them, you'll have a chance but for now you're going to have to just sit on the sidelines and, hopefully, get over him. YDI and FYL. (and you're probably not "in love" with him, unfortunately. go find a man who'll appreciate you and you'll forget all about what's-his-name. good luck. :] ) EDIT: this was supposed to be a response to 86 but..

Courage. You need it. And Snape is not worthy of anyone's trust.

bigcrazymike 6

YDI cause after 4 years you should have said something. And if you did say something, and he already let you know the feelings weren't mutual, then you should have gotten over it after 4 years.

Dickman16 0