By cloudish - 21/05/2017 12:00 - Germany

Today, I finally had the guts to tell my best friend that I like him more than just as a friend. I was about to tell him when he excitedly told me that he met the love of his life yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 069
You deserved it 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How could he possibly know that they're the love of his life? If me met them yesterday he must barely know them. It makes me cringe when people say that love at first sight is a thing

Love of life...yesterday...does not compute...


How could he possibly know that they're the love of his life? If me met them yesterday he must barely know them. It makes me cringe when people say that love at first sight is a thing

obie1975 9

I knew the minute I met him that my husband was the love of my life.

I mean... you didn't, let's be honest. The minute you meet someone, you know pretty much nothing about them. You liked him and it happened that he was the man for you but you couldn't have possibly known enough about him to know that he was the love of your life the moment you met him.

esanders05 3

it doesn't have to do with knowing about them.. it is a feeling. just because it's never happened to u doesn't mean you should act like it's impossible. I met my husband when I was 17, got married at 18.. still going strong at 13 years. love at first sight can happen for people who believe. don't be a negative Nancy.

RpiesSPIES 27

You became best friends with him in a day? That's pretty fast! Serious note, good luck. Best I can say is to either tell him how you feel about him now (assertive method), or keep an eye on him/her if they are dating (you didn't specify if he was). If anything goes amiss, do not pass up a chance to intervene.

Hi, I did not say we became best friends in just one day., you misunderstood that. We became friends some time ago. No, right now they aren't dating, but I as he is my friend I will do everything I can to help and support him. I would never wish for them to not work out just for selfish reasons.

I'm pretty sure they were making a joke implying that you were the "love of his life" he met yesterday. They didn't misunderstand you, but instead making a silly joke.

If that's the case I am sorry for not getting the joke. I guess I lost my humor somewhere in this entire situation

Love of life...yesterday...does not compute...

Lucky O'Guin 18

Look on the bright side-at least you didn't tell him, only to be shot down by his news, possibly humiliated and heartbroken right there while he is going on about her. I have been in the same situation, and I know how much it hurts. Best wishes to you!

It's a hard choice to do. Stay best friends and don't ruin it, or try and confess and have it go great or awkward. I'm sorry. Perhaps hes infatuated with someone currently. Perhaps it will pass, but stick up for him, because you're still his best friend!

Maybe you could be the side piece of his life?

Once upon a time I was probably the guy in a similar story. The "love of my life" is long gone. My best friend and I have been married 30+ years,