By itrustedsnapeallalong - 28/08/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, for the first time, I hugged the man I have been in love with for four years. It was a congratulatory hug at his wedding to my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 933
You deserved it 14 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This may sound mean, but you should've gotten over it after they started dating.


mina_8 0

I was thinking the same thing.

Boo hoo. Hopefully you realise that there is more to life than your petty little infatuation which you took seriously. Get a life, stop complaining, and learn that there is more than this.

YDI for not opening your mouth 4 years ago. Situaitons like this are why "best friends" are overrated.

Sophia93 0

aww, that sucks! but doesn't your friend know that you like him? Anyways, yeah maybe you should've told him how you felt, like what #64 said. Well, since they're getting married, I think you should move on!

Ok, we are way past the time to move on. Time for a new infatuation.

letigre5 0

Has it occurred to any of you that maybe he's a gay man?

madisohn 0

No, because it says that she is a woman.

everydayisFML 0

i have no pity for you... maybe you should have been looking for someone else in the past 4 years instead of wanting ur best friends boyfriend? i assume if they're married they dated for awhile... should have been a big clue to you it was time to move on and that he was no longer fair game, even if they broke up. i hope they never have marital problems, cuz im pretty sure you'll be eager to "comfort" him. i feel bad for your best friend.

painandpeace 0

You obviously didn't "love" him enough to actually convey your feelings to him. Lots of good staying silent did you...