By itrustedsnapeallalong - 28/08/2009 04:23 - United States

Today, for the first time, I hugged the man I have been in love with for four years. It was a congratulatory hug at his wedding to my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 933
You deserved it 14 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This may sound mean, but you should've gotten over it after they started dating.


viiart 0

Wow. I love this guy, but he's extra shy and considers hugs to be "awkward." After we went to the movies the other night we hugged. Next guy you like, make sure you hug him every chance you get, and if you don't get a chance, create an opportunity!

ErinSaysHerro 0

aww reminds me of the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding" :(

Girl, you should have made your move years ago! :( It always sucks when stuff like this happens.... I'm sorry

balundvall 0

OKAY to all the assholes who clicked YDI. Maybe she COULDN'T MOVE ON. It's kinda hard to move on when you're in love with someone and they've done nothing wrong or anything to hurt you deliberately. And MAYBE he knew how she felt, but had to follow his own heart. There is no way that anybody deserves this.

Wow I was just about to say the same thing. Like literally, I haven't been on for MONTHS and I made an account just so I could comment on this FML to say what you just said. *Claps* Good job.

aww that's sad, I feel for you. your perfect match will be out there somewhere

maddiey2014 0

that's why I hang out with girls that are ugly and can't get what I have

capgray 0

i call fail on ur lame ass harry potter name

hmkay8710 0

I'm heading that way..but I'm 14 so they orb won't get married.