By Anonymous - 20/08/2012 16:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, at my job at the mall, our music malfunctioned and now will only play the same three songs over and over again. Our manager won't let us turn it off because "the customers won't notice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 402
You deserved it 1 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesnt sound much different than the radio nowadays.

Take your iPod to work and sneak it through your clothes.


doglover100 28

I do listen to the background music. Unless it's a song I know and like I pay attention, most of the time I don't care.

demonwolfmaster 26

you get used to it and learn to tune it out haunted house all month long same loop of song and then the loop of the caged man in the room before mine you learn to tune it out or make fun of it

30- I too work in a haunted house. One of our speakers broke and you could hear the music from the rest of the amusement park in some areas. Trust me, it doesn't all get blocked out :(

jenniiienyc 5

He's probably right, but that would still annoy the crap out of me if I was working.

Knowing today's crappy FM radio, he was right. But yeah, that really sucks.

I wonder how long it would take before OP snaps and goes on a murderous rampage over repeating music. I can see it now: "Man in Singapore destroys city over repeating music."

warri 1

Sorry your manager sucks and is unreasonable.

MolesterStallone 13

Obviously he has no faith if none of the customers stay for at least 3 songs worth of music.

Just be grateful it wasn't stuck on a 2 sec loop. Can you imagine that? "you are my fire, my fire, my fire, my fire, my fire, my fire, my fire, my fire.............".

I love listening to music wherever I am! I'd def. notice!!