By Addianna - 15/12/2016 16:04 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, and every day this week, my office mate has decided to "liven up the place" by singing and whistling Christmas tunes and other unknown songs. She has zero musical ability. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 792
You deserved it 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always ask, "who sings that?" and when they reply with their answer, say "Let's keep it that way."

awildwhisper 30

Hmmmm this reminds me of how people keep asking what song I'm humming cuz they can't tell from my lack of tone perception.


awildwhisper 30

Hmmmm this reminds me of how people keep asking what song I'm humming cuz they can't tell from my lack of tone perception.

I always ask, "who sings that?" and when they reply with their answer, say "Let's keep it that way."

My mother has been doing that since the beginning of november. Her singing is terrible. Not to mention since then she's been complaining our local supermarket isn't playing christmas songs yet. This holiday makes some people unbearable.

finalyearsofhate 22

You have no idea how much you'll miss that when she's gone. You only get one mom, appreciate newer while you can.

countryb_cth 38

Pretty sure someone's aloud to complain about an annoying thing their parents do. Parents complain about their kids all the time. No need to bring death into it and make him feel guilty for something that hasn't even happened.

Breaking news : Not everyone has nice parents. I was told the same thing about my father and i don't miss him one bit. Just because my mother sings the same cheesy songs for 2 months 24/7 doesn't mean she isn't abusive the rest of the time. I'm sorry, next time maybe i should put "ps: she's a jerk all the time" so people don't jump on the "be grateful you have a mom" wagon. And having only one of something doesn't make it good by the way.

Just email her some nice little sayings about her musical talent and itll go down a bit.

Put a video of her signing on YouTube and send her the link. That'll shut her up.

Or you know, you could have some respect and just ask her nicely or send her an email or something asking her to stop.

That would be considered a micro-aggression. Humiliating her on YouTube is perfectly acceptable, on the other hand Kids today!

cootiequeen4444 11

I think signing is a respectable talent. I don't know sign language and learning the basics wouldn't hurt. OP should definitely put up YouTube videos of that. Its not like signing requires something like musical talent or whatever c;

finalyearsofhate 22

She likely knows that. If it makes her happy, so be it. My sister is completely tone-deaf but loves belting out songs. There are definitely worse things in the world.

Maybe she's just performing her rendition of 'cat caught in a dryer'?

usnwife 18

Time to get a radio with Christmas music, if it's already "lively" she wont have a need to sing!