By Anonymous - 20/08/2012 16:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, at my job at the mall, our music malfunctioned and now will only play the same three songs over and over again. Our manager won't let us turn it off because "the customers won't notice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 402
You deserved it 1 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesnt sound much different than the radio nowadays.

Take your iPod to work and sneak it through your clothes.


An investment in ear plugs or an iPod would be smart.

Kyle225 3

Please tell me their not One Direction or Justin Bieber songs. If it is then FYL and the customers.

xDropsOfJupiterx 8

There's a difference, people.

xDropsOfJupiterx 8

There's a difference, people.

xDropsOfJupiterx 8

** My comment didnt show up the first time I added it, so i tried to add it again. But i guess it added both times. Just an explaination(:

I agree with #62. It's the difference between "knowing you're shit" and "knowing your shit."

If he's that dumb pull the plug out and watch how long it will take him to notice

Nothing gets me motivated like a full day of repeating Karma Kameleon, Tub Thumper and Cotton Eye Joe. Have fun with that OP!

One time I was on Atlantic City, and there was a radio station that played nothing but tub thumper. I left it on for over an hour to see if the song would change. It didn't.


Mearemoi 14

Is it bad that I actually liked that ride when I was little? I must be in the minority...

Psych101 9

24- It's not the ride that's bad, it's the music that is constantly on repeat. Yes, we understand, the world is indeed small. That's why at my birthday party I will invite about 6 billion of my closest friends and family.

"It's a world of laughter a world of tears; It's a world of hope and a world of fears. There's so much that we share, And it's time we're aware, It's a small world after all!" somehow this song used to be the best song ever. Now it kind of creeps me out.

jgriff79 23

Doc, I went on that ride over 18 yrs ago, I still nightmares about it.

jgriff79 23

'Have' nightmares Sorry about the missed word.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

At the movie theater I used to work at, there was this arcade game that had background music. It played CONSTANTLY. -_- I definitely feel your pain, OP.

Oh god, that'll get really annoying really fast...hope your shift is nearly over, OP!

Oh the customers notice... Trust me..

As a customer of any store I DO listen to the music in the background. Most of the time it's incredibly annoying or extremely loud for "background" music. I've walked out of more than one store because I couldn't handle it. Tell your manager that customers will eventually start noticing. It might hurt the store in the long run.