By illinformed - 18/11/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, I drove from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, BC for the Three Days Grace concert. I was so excited when I found the building. There was a big readerboard that flashed "THREE DAYS GRACE" and I cheered. Then it flashed "CANCELLED." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 998
You deserved it 7 404

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I'd be more pissed about wasting all that gas consedering the prices now. TDG is an awesome band.

poeticpunk77 0

So just because someone has different musical tastes than you they deserve to drive all the way out to a concert (which could have happened to be for ANY band, it just happened to be a 3DG concert) only for it to be canceled? Wow, real mature. This is why I usually don't bother reading comments anymore. Too many d-bags.



Oh well, Guess you got no "Three days grace" for the cancellation? hah It is 141 mi – about 2 hours 23 mins (up to 2 hours 50 mins in traffic)

Its probably not so much the trip rather that the concert she wanted too see was cancelled. FYL OP, I love TDG.

Three Days Grace is pretty good, and that does suck. Your one chance to see them....

I agree to both of you (#2 and 3),3DG rules and it's also my favorite band,if this would happen to me,I'd roll on the floor while crying uncontrolably. I feel your pain,OP ): And to all you 3DG haters that will write your hate posts,and to those who will;You have no taste in music :).

Or they have a different taste in music? 3DG isn't musically talented enough to deserve that kind of reputation the way The Beatles and Led Zepplin and such have (where even if you don't personally like them you have no sense of music if you don't recognize their talent at what they do) For the record I like them, but could easily see someone not liking them.

I was talking about the people who are desperate enough to go write spams like ''Omg YDI for liking Three Days Grace!!'' and ''Wtf 3DG sucks''. Seriousily,in my point of view,3DG is awesome,and I'm sure this FML isn't posted on this site just for some people to randomly shoot hate comments.

xxxNataliexxx 0

Wow Everyone Has There Opinions I hate 3DG they suck Thats An Opinion And OP Deserves it for Liking Them

Carnivwhorus 0

ydi for driving 150 miles to see a shitty band ;p

TDG is awesome, you missing it totally sucks

i liked 3dg in fourth grade fyi. yeah. kinda old now

fyl x 899999099 I've been to at least one tdg concert after each album came out and when they had a tour with breaking Benjamin I was dying cuz the concert was ownage

TDG is awesome. :) But hey, everyone has different opinions. So if your gonna say stuff like "TDG sucks shit" or anything like that don't post it everyone has different opinions and taste of music.

I saw them when I was 10, they came to lousville KY for LRSfest. They were pretty good, but I don't know if it's fmlworthy.

Its actualy alot lomger then that its more like 5-6 hours depending on the border i live in vancouver and drive down to seattle alot

deathbot 0

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Wow that was pretty quick that someone would say that

i agree, i laughed a little at the op. that's like someone enjoying nickelback or creed these days, god help us all. three days grace is lame. and NOT talented. listen to some real music dude

poeticpunk77 0

So just because someone has different musical tastes than you they deserve to drive all the way out to a concert (which could have happened to be for ANY band, it just happened to be a 3DG concert) only for it to be canceled? Wow, real mature. This is why I usually don't bother reading comments anymore. Too many d-bags.

The point of the FML is that she drove all the way there to find that the show she's been expecting to see for some time has been canceled. And she has to drive all the way back home without any concert. Forget the fact that it's 3DG, think about your favorite band or singer, and you know you wouldn't like this to happen to you.

AUfan92 0

Three Days Grace rivals Nickelback as the most talent-less band in America. That's not my opinion, that is a fact. No I don't like it, but the fact that they DON'T HAVE TALENT is beyond that. Therefore OP deserves it for liking a talent deficient artist.

143 I agree with you, but nickelback is Canadian

NaggerHagger 6

Three Days Grace is Canadian, too.

Skelanimal15 0

Three days grace and Nickelback are great bands, i think u would have to be a deaf fagggot not to see that. Your also a dumb-ass and should burn in hell, i hope u dont have children cause we dont need more people like u n this world.

Skelanimal15 0

YDI for not liking Three Days Grace, they are better than most bands in america, bt if ur a gay faggott who likes justin bieber better im sorry that u r mentally retarded. I will see u n hell dumb-ass:)

Skelanimal15 0

Real music? R u ******* retarded?? Nickelback and 3DG are real music!! most of the other shit is computerized auto-tuned shit! If ur to stupid to realize that then i guess u should just kill urself now faggott. I bet u dont have many friends...

It's funny. most idiots say they hate it because other people say so. its a good band. so is creed and nickleback. get over and stop being ignorant. Stop trying to look cool because you don't

143 both nickelback and three days grace are Canadian also there good bands and for everyone else that has commented trash talking three days grace honestly the people that like them don't care what you think

DevilGirl66- Is your picture a band? If so, what band?

Lol your idea of music is probably dub step, lil wayne or one direction:)

rogueash 0

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ohJeeznotme 7

Pretty much what I was going to say. 141 miles? BIG DEAL! This is why we have the internet and telephones to call the venue just. in. case. Sucks that the concert was canned but I am sure it was announced on the bands website, ticketmaster and the venue's website as well as the radio.

I'd be more pissed about wasting all that gas consedering the prices now. TDG is an awesome band.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Three Days Grace can lick my butthole.

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yorkiegirl1691 0

I'm assuming buy "yank" you mean American... And we're not paying "nearly a dollar" for gas. Around me, it's around $2.75. I honestly doubt there is a place in the US that sells gas for "nearly a dollar". (Are you seriously complaining about gas being $1.20?! hahaha) OP- Yeah, I know how ya feel. I was supposed to make the four hour drive to Cincy to see my idol sing for my 18th birthday a couple day ago. I was looking forward to it for months... then a few days before the concert she cancelled=/

It's sold by the liter in Europe though so it really comes out to be about twice as much as ours (per gallon). $2.75 per gallon in liters, for instance, is $0.73 a liter (nearly a dollar).

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So your shittier gas prices somehow make ours less shitty?

Lol if ur from Aus like me why are u calling it 'gas', we don't have 'gas' we have petrol Im sick of tv making all the American changes to the English language mainstream suddenly we have diapers not nappies, elevators not lifts, erasers not rubbers etc and if I hear one more person calling a shopping centre a 'mall' Im gonna let fly

ohJeeznotme 7

A "mall" is a specific type of shopping center. I must say though that I much enjoy the ou spellings and the extra "e" like flavour and centre. If someone would just take a course on linguistics they would realize how stupid some of their slang really is.

i prefer erasers to rubbers anyday "Hey sara, you got a rubber i can borrow" :P

lwdjaymac 1

In the civilised world, a rubber means something to remove pencil markings, not a condom.

But in other, just as civilized parts of the world, "rubber" does mean "condom," and is never used to refer to an eraser.

In Australian, petrol is around $1.40 a litre, so quit your bitching.

did you really just say 'In Australian'??

Wtf is your bitching about, where I live "petrol" is 3.85 a gallon and rising. Stfu and gtfo.

Excuse your ignorance but gas in the US varies on where you live, and it's definitely not anywhere as cheap as a ******* dollar I pay anywhere between $4-$5 per gallon. Maybe something as simple as wasting gas doesn't matter to you but learn your facts before you decide to be a prejudice asshole.

Mx_Rider 6

three day grace can lick the cheese under my nuts

Nice eminem reference, there. but still. don't be a bitch.

I am sure youve got plenty:) You probably love eminem like myself but you are probably one of the many morons who thinks lil wayne and dub step is actual "music"

That sad moment when people believe that eminem is real music.

Stranger35 0

for gas here it it usually from $3-$5 in some places, so the $1.20 is looking pretty good for us

It's sold by the liter in Europe though so it really comes out to be about twice as much as ours (per gallon).

georgie_sweetypi 0

Three Days grace is brilliant AND that sucks.. What is up with everybody.. I mean for f***'s sake, can people not have their own opinions or do they have to think exactly the same as you?!

I can't tell if you're kidding or not? Of course everyone's entitled to their own opinion. That's why people can come on here and disagree with yours. Or can only people who support your opinion voice their own? You act like you're promoting subjectivity when in reality you're just trying to make everybody who isn't on your side sound like a bunch of close-minded dicks while still getting to throw in your two cents.

It would be non-legitimate if someone said "I don't like Three Days Grace, *insert comment actually relevant to the FML here*" What's not legitimate is "THREE DAYS GRACE CAN LICK MY NUTS LOLOLOLOLOLOL". It's not the opinion that's annoying, it's the WAY it's expressed.

georgie_sweetypi 0

Sorry i know i must have sounded right out of order but i honestly didn't mean it like that..

I'm not a big fan of TDG's music, but I hear they put on a great live show, so I also feel for you, OP. I had something similar but a bit worse happen to me last year. A couple friends of mine and myself drove up north about 3 hours to go see Stone Temple Pilots in Tampa. The opening band was pretty good, but for some reason, STP was not coming on the stage. After waiting for about an hour and a half (playing their intro track for the tour the majority of this time), the tour promoter and a bunch of cops come on the stage and announce that STP will not be performing that night and that the rest of the show is canceled. This is a packed arena full of people, and I was close to the stage area when this was announced. I'm surprised we were able to drive away from that with little incident.