By burnt38392 - 24/12/2010 19:36 - United States

Today, as a means of getting over my abusive ex, I decided to write his name on a piece of paper and light it on fire. As I lit the paper up, I noticed the marker ink had bled through it. The paper is gone, but his name is forever engraved on my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 502
You deserved it 19 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sandpaper will remove it, then use some touch up varnish to make the sanded patch blend in with the rest of the desk. Congrats on getting rid of an abusive ex, though!

yea! now you get to torch a desk. bigger is better


athena0_o 0

Try removing it. The same has happened to me and i used nail polish remover. Try anything to get it off. You must remove that name!!

deafeningsilence 8

I spilled nail polish remover on my desk once and it rubbed the paint off of the desk. :/

MassEffectNerd 0

why did you burn it on your desk?

wondering the same.. seriously, she should have burned it in the sink or in a plate or something.. not directly on the table, that's pretty stupid

CheshireHalli 19

I don't think that she burned it on the desk, I read it that she saw that the marker she had used to write the name on the paper with had bled through to the desk.

Get an expo marker and color it and wipe it off with damp paper towel

ArielTheMermaid 17

it works so dont be rude ive done it before

Unless your marker was actually a knife, it wouldn't be engraved into your desk.

justbigbs 6

Great now you have to burn the desk, then your house

icanhazlawlz 0

buuuuuurn the desk! it turned me into a newt.

And what do you burn besides desks? More desks!!!

mini5144 0

you can remove it with nail polish remover ur welcome

That'll teach you to burn something with my name on it! Go ahead

Burn your desk and get a new one hahahaaa