Stay in school, kids...

By Anonymous - 30/12/2017 01:30

Today, my son told me he got a tattoo to honour our German heritage. The bloody fool got an eagle and swastika on his arm. I had to explain to a 20-year-old what WWII was. He’s now researching laser removal. Idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 663
You deserved it 1 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The idiot knew. He was just surprised to see that you didn't like it. He must have Googled or read about it in a book because he knew it has something to do with Germany. What a damn mess!

Did he even finish school? How naive do you have to be to do something so stupid?


Nothing wrong with showing love for your heritage but do research next time.

Did he even finish school? How naive do you have to be to do something so stupid?

The idiot knew. He was just surprised to see that you didn't like it. He must have Googled or read about it in a book because he knew it has something to do with Germany. What a damn mess!

There's only one scenario I can think of where he didn't know. The idiot asked the internet what tattoo he should get to honour his German heritage, and the internet responded. And the idiot didn't do any further research. That's the only situation I can imagine where this tattoo was a result of sheer stupidity/ignorance and not malice.

Either our education has fallen that far or he is a complete and utter moron.

How did he not know?! How did no one warn him? And why was the tattoo artist okay with it?

Oh dear god at this point most people should know what that means just avoid Jewish people for a while unless you want an angry mob of people chasing after you

manb91uk 22

They say it’s really difficult when a child discovers they’re smarter than their parents, it must be pure agony when a parent learns they spawned a spanner...

This is why I've never gotten a tattoo. You might end up with something you're going to absolutely regret later on.

Seriously though, how could he Nazi the consequences of his tattoo?

There's the wrong way to get a tattoo, and then there is the Reich way.

I'm a little concerned about the tattoo artist. Did he not know (unlikely) or was he excited to ink his new, neo-nazi brother?