By burnt38392 - 24/12/2010 19:36 - United States

Today, as a means of getting over my abusive ex, I decided to write his name on a piece of paper and light it on fire. As I lit the paper up, I noticed the marker ink had bled through it. The paper is gone, but his name is forever engraved on my desk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 512
You deserved it 19 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sandpaper will remove it, then use some touch up varnish to make the sanded patch blend in with the rest of the desk. Congrats on getting rid of an abusive ex, though!

yea! now you get to torch a desk. bigger is better


fakeaccountX 6

It wouldn't be "engraved" unless you had carved it into your desk with a knife or something. Relax and get some rubbing alcohol.

IndianForLife 0

You should have gotten married to the man. That way you would have been less guilty for having sex with a stranger.

IndianForLife 0

18 - I was thinking that, too. 23 - That made me laugh, hahaha. OP - Unless you actually did take a knife to the desk, it'll wash off. You're an idiot. Don't over exaggerate.

vergaso 0

but if u burn the desk it'll engrave the name to the floor

Sandpaper will remove it, then use some touch up varnish to make the sanded patch blend in with the rest of the desk. Congrats on getting rid of an abusive ex, though!

iSitt 0

rubbing alcohol might work too

Also a torch or molotov cocktail. Preferably a flamethrower but if you dont have one make a molotov! Better yet, light some 140 proof Absynthe on fire and torch tbe desk. I would record it upload it to youtube then put the desk in the neighbors yard. I wish you luck!

Qwermy 16

acetone should get rid of it too

yea! now you get to torch a desk. bigger is better

mattyjsando 0

Or she could just set her ex on fire.... That's what I would do.

mahimalil 0

Time to burn the desk. Just what I was thinking.

melons122 3

I was thinking the same thing

dickamaru 0

hell ya bust out the gasoline

how about using some alcohol to rub it off?

Nah, alcohol burns too much. I would use Vaseline or lotion or KY. Wait, what?

Yee12 0
BeastNerd 3

#16 hahahahahahaah I was like, 'What? He's SO off.' Once again, hahahahahahahahaha

iDontHaveTwitter 0

Baking soda works for some of those kinds of stains. Congrats on getting rid of your ex, though!

heyygirl14 2

use rubbing alcohol to get it off :)

I doubt a marker pen engraved it onto your desk.... :/

You're not saying this is fake, are you? You wouldn't say such a thing, surely, dude.

krystal2424 0

well now burn the desk, then what the heck burn his house down. lol jkjk at least file a report against the jerk :]