By Trainspotting - 03/04/2011 13:32 - United Kingdom

Today, Amazon didn't deliver the present I bought my mother for Mothering Sunday, so she called me an 'Ungrateful bastard.' And about half an hour ago, I cut my thumb whilst making her lunch. She said, 'You're doing this on purpose so I feel sorry for you. Well I don't.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 786
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BobSock 1

What is " Mothering Sunday"?


haha sounds exactly like my mom. however, OP, your mother is a motherfucking ****-juggling thudercunt.

LMFAO Love the "thundercunt". What does the award look like?

hahaha-11 I see what you did there. I hope none of this gets moderated :(

I agree. I'd keep the present. she's the ungrateful one

lmao @ MissBunny XD so it was YOU who posted that on that poor guy's FaceBook!! :P

rebekahah 7

squeeze your finger and let her eat your blood. :) revenge doesn't solve anything, but it gets pretty darn close. :D

11 , your comment is a win and so is that FML.

miss bunny, if there was a word that described how much win your comment had, the world would explode.

funnyFMLSplz 0

double fail. oh ms bunny, i love mac and cheese so much. heh ;D

DiamondFinish 0

You need to come up with so something original. Don't steal the FML's. Retarded **** Juggling Thundercunt was used about 7 or 8 postings down. Except you added motherfucking, you killed it.

starryxeyes 2

92- Uhm, if you paid attention you'd notice that they posted their comments around the same time. So, I'm going to assume that since comments don't always show up right away, that when #11 posted her comment she had no idea that #10 ha posted something nearly identical to hers.

starryxeyes 2

92- Uhm, if you paid attention you'd notice that they posted their comments around the same time. So, I'm going to assume that since comments don't always show up right away, that when #11 posted her comment she had no idea that #10 had already posted something nearly identical to hers.

92 you mad, bro? I bet it's because you have an unnaturally large pole up your ass.

DiamondFinish 0

No I am not mad. But guess what bitch? They just ran out of macaroni. Since that is all the food you can afford you're going to have to eat shit.

makes me realize that my mom is the same way.

ZielZone 4

Why be sorry... I would cancel the present and let her starve until she got a wee bit nicer!! Remind her just who it is that's going to choose her retirement home.

BobSock 1

What is " Mothering Sunday"?

Aww, #15, you are much too kind. Next time leave it to the lazy guy here to do his own work.

I gave my mum chocolates and her fave flowers, she took them then started telling me how useless I am, don't you just love mothers day?

You bled all over her sandwich! On Mother's Day! Terrible. I phoned my Mum and she thought I was awesome.

yeah i was wondering the same thing...can't be mothers day cause that's next month

Different countries celebrate Mother's Day on different days. In the UK, it's today. This year in US and Canada (and a ton of other countries), it's May 8th.

Get her a real present for mothering Sunday. give her a dog. by dog i mean myself

Now, that's just mean! I have 4 grown kids & not one of them can afford to buy me stuff I don't need! I don't expect them too, a card & a hug are the best! I'm sorry that happened to you! You are very thoughtful for getting her anything & she should appreciate it!

ugliness, Why call yourself that? My reply was to you! I'll try again; Now, that's just mean! I have 4 grown kids & not one of them can afford to buy me stuff I don't need! I don't expect them too, a card & a hug are the best! I'm sorry that happened to you! You are very thoughtful for getting her anything & she should appreciate it!

noobgang7 5

Should have given up "Mothering Sunday" for Lent... Lmao

ryry98 7

mothers Sunday is mothers day in england

Someone is ungrateful there, but I don't think it's you. :(

why didn't op deliver himself instead of shipping it if he was going to her house?

ever heard of ordering off the Internet?

yeah I know but still I would have ordered it to MY house and wrapped it and gave it to her op Is retarded

LoveKeepsGoing 7

maybe he lives with his mother

I agree with #1. I wouldn't get her anything.

I agree with #1&5... what a terrible person the mother is to be that selfish and hateful to their kid.

it's sunday, they don't deliver on sundays

Amazon has a Sunday delivery option.

BlckIvie6xoxo9 0

only Saturday, not Sunday. that's all shipping companies they use :-/

what a lovely biatchy mom  no offense. 

I'd be calling her an ungrateful, insensitive bitch for not appreciating the fact your trying to make her feel special and also because she can't seem to respect her own child

you need to stand up for yourself.. why didnt you just tell her the present didnt come. your letting your own family treat you like shit

that's a total bitch! I'm sorry op that your mom is a thundercunt

Thundercunt is officially my new favourite word.

Mothering Sunday is like the US's Mothers Day. I'm sorry OP about your mum, but you're an idiot. Amazon doesn't ship on Sunday's.

Amazon DOES ship on Sundays, you just pay a little more

I'm thinking that OP was expecting the package before Sunday, and there was a delay. That means she'll get it tomorrow. OP, I'm sorry your mother is so awful, I would exchange the gift for something that I want...screw her and her bitchiness.

good job at getting the present last minute!

Agreed. Mum's reaction was a little severe but OP could've ordered ages ago.

If you're anything like me, sometimes you don't get the money to buy the gift until last minute. Timing on paychecks, bills, and other payments could make it a little difficult. Shoulda, coulda, wouldas are kinda silly for this, because for all you know, OP couldn't afford the gift until last minute.

so you're saying op has NEVER had enough money for his mothers day present for his mom this year up until just a few days before it was supposed to be delivered?