By ohIlike - 15/09/2009 12:10 - Australia

Today, after thirteen years of engagement, my fiancé and I split. As is, with the day, we changed our facebook relationships to make it official. I logged back on tonight to find his mother, the woman I've spent the last year looking after and having a good time, 'liking' the break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 942
You deserved it 7 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Standupboi 0

why the **** were u engaged for 13 years???


JessAngelus 0

Sorry... YDI. Why the **** were you engaged for 13 years??? I just got engaged last month and we set a date 2 years in the future but that's because we're both broke college students. 13 years is more than a bit much! And as for Facebook making things official... Please OP get a life.

She probably couldn't take the suspense.

accadacca 0

YDI for getting so serious over a ******* social networking site.

sublime93 0

Well she's his mom, did you expect to be good ol' buddies afterwards? And a 13 year engagement holy crap

YDI YDI for thinking you were engaged for 13 yrs. YDI for saying "As is, with the day" YDI for puting it on Facebook YDI for having fun looking after the old broad YDI for checking his facebook YDI for giving a F what she thinks now

perstephane 4

Are we sure OP didn't mean 13 months? She did say she's hung out with the mom for the last year, so maybe it's a typo. At least I hope so. 13 years is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long to be engaged.

Were you guys engaged since 3rd grade, or was that a typo? Either way I get the feeling you're both still very immature.

Really, you ****** 13 years of your life on a failed engagement? FYL

YDI for not getting married sooner. 13 years of an engagement is just saying I CAN STILL CHEAT AND I DONT NEED TO GO THROUGH ANY DIVORCE SHIT

YDI for waiting for 13 years... and u call urself a woman!