By ohIlike - 15/09/2009 12:10 - Australia

Today, after thirteen years of engagement, my fiancé and I split. As is, with the day, we changed our facebook relationships to make it official. I logged back on tonight to find his mother, the woman I've spent the last year looking after and having a good time, 'liking' the break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 942
You deserved it 7 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Standupboi 0

why the **** were u engaged for 13 years???


juneping 0

look at it from another point of view. at least right now you don't have to spend money on lawyers for divorce paper and don't have to go thru the hassels to change your name back. and you are going to meet a great guy. your ex is an ass.

I can see that happening to me :( *hug*

this is why old people should get lives instead of getting facebook.

after 13 years with no real committment.....(an engagement is easily broken) it's not that much of a surprise that you broke up. and maybe your ex-fiancees mother is just using all the bitchiness she missed out on using when she was going to be your mother-in-law because we all know they're evil.

Something like this happened to me too. My girl friend broke up with me after two years, and her father pressed the like button when her relationship status went from "in a relationship" to "single." This is the same guy who does every thing he can do to not acknowledge me when I'm visiting and told his wife that he thought I'd beat his daughter... even though I've never laid a finger on her and never would. Well, we're secretly back together now. I can't wait to see what he does with her relationship status goes from "single" to "in a relationship."

i hate old people on facebook... its just wrong

bookworm_x 0

why in the hell would you stay engaged for thirteen years!?!?

Xader 0

I'm assuming they lived together for some portion of that 13 years? In Western Australia, they may have qualified for a de facto relationship which is similar to US common law marriage

Why the hell did you not get married sooner? 13 years of engagement? Are you insane?