By notAMrs - 20/11/2012 17:22 - United States - Jeffersonville

Today, I called off my engagement, after finding out my fiancé is cheating on me. I recently started a new job, and in anticipation of getting married, I asked that my username include his surname. They can't be changed, so now I get to log in every day under that sorry bastard's surname. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 076
You deserved it 9 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

Your work can't change it, or WON'T change it? That seems like a silly thing to make fully permanent, if they truly cannot change it for you. So sorry to hear about your broken engagement, OP. It's good you found out now, instead of after you were married.

Usernames and tattoos should never be a lovers name. It usually ends badly.


unknown_user5566 26

Your work can't change it, or WON'T change it? That seems like a silly thing to make fully permanent, if they truly cannot change it for you. So sorry to hear about your broken engagement, OP. It's good you found out now, instead of after you were married.

But for those fluent in the art of the computer, it's easy for them to change it.

unknown_user5566 26

11- That's what I was thinking. I've had my username changed several times at my job over the years. Sounds to me like the IT Department at OP's work is just being a bit lazy.

13 I was thinking of the average person when they get a asshole of a I.T. department. But its even easier for the I.T. department.

They can register a new one. Sure as **** they can change it.

Se companies tue it into a lot of things that make it a pain to change. Still can physically be done though. One if my jobs was at a baby company for a larger one doing contract work. The user name was tied in with both companies and the client. Maybe where op works its a similar situation and they don't change it because the amount of time and effort it takes.

40 It's still possible. Just a little harder.

tjv3 10

It's easy to do. I have to do that for people in my company all the time your IT Dept is either stupid or lazy

I work in IT. They can do it. In the past, changing the name would once in a while cause a problem but that's not the case now. They're being lazy and inconsiderate.

Damn spell check and painkillers don't mix. Yea I know it's possible to do it, just saying some companies set the policy because it can be a pain on how it's set up. I've had to help set up the accounts on a few if my jobs. If I was op I would still explain the situation and ask. Worst that can happen is that they say no so they don't set the precedent of doing it for everyone who may want to change it on a whim. I was surprised at the amount of requests that came in in the one place I worked where I handled these requests if my boss was out. They stopped letting people change it because they were requesting it for stupid reasons. My favorite request was that the person complained that their name was too long to type.

I work in IT, a more likely reason is that they're following a policy laid out by senior management or the QA head. It's frustrating, because sometimes you can see someone needs something, it's a legitimate request etc and will only take two mouse clicks -but- there's a procedure in place and if not followed you risk your job.

They won't change it for you?? Wow... Either way sorry for your situation OP

littlemsweirdo 12

Yeah that does suck to be reminded of a cheating partner EVERY damn day.

Oh I had something close to that at one point... It sucks big time

Usernames and tattoos should never be a lovers name. It usually ends badly.

It was probably going to be her new surname so she actually wasn't making it her fiancé's name.

True but it wasn't official yet so it was a dumb idea.

CharresBarkrey 15

I don't see what's wrong with using it as a username, because those can generally be changed. I find it hard to believe that OP's work can't change it. That's a bit unreasonable.

23: No it wasn't. When people get engaged, it tends to mean they are fully committed to one person and have 100% trust in them (at least, it does if they do it for the right reasons). In which case it's far from stupid to prematurely change her username to his surname. Although inking someone's name on you does seem to curse the relationship xD

astralvagan 20

That's very unfortunate! But I would have waited until after the wedding to get it set like that. Either that, or try and work things out with your ex and see if things can be resolved.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#4- I hope by "working things out with the ex" and "resolving" the issues I hope you don't mean forgiving him for cheating and getting back with him.

astralvagan 20

22 stranger things have happened.

Get back with your cheating ex fiancé because your company doesn't want to change your username...? Makes sense.

Never count your chickens before they hatch.

kotana191 8

maybe making his surname your username jinxed the marriage?

I think him not being able to keep his dick out of other people is what jinxed the marriage.

iOceanus 18

Cheating always sucks for the person getting cheated on, but I have to say, getting cheated on by a fiancé has to be the worst kind. So sorry OP :/

sierra142 19

I'd say being cheated on by your husband/wife is the worst kind.

iOceanus 18

10) I can see where you're coming from, but I think getting cheated on by a fiancé is worse because you're just about to get married. At least with a husband/wife, there has been some time to love, spend time together, and all that good stuff. Hmmm, maybe that makes it worse? I guess it's a matter of the situation you're in. Either way, cheating sucks.

unknown_user5566 26

18- I agree with #10. After you're married, you've already made the vow to stay with that person ONLY, for the rest of your life. I think violating that vow is much worse (emotionally) for the person being cheated on, versus it happening before the vows are officially made.

And if you've got children in the house, that's always an extra kick in the nuts.

Ooh a typo in an FML :o and I'm sorry op, lie down and something ex-tra fun while you work up the courage to accept your problem. Maybe you can cheat the system and somehow get the name changed, I dunno.

I am the only one who checked for a typo after reading this comment?

It's not the end of the world, once a cheat always a cheat, hope you find somebody nicer next time.