Love thy neighbour

By Anonymous - 07/02/2023 10:00

Today, I found out that I have moved next door to a guy from my school, with whom I've had a arguments with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 580
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The argument was not about grammar by any chance?

So, be a normal person and ignore your neighbors. Be cordial and waive once a year and ignore them the rest of the time. The best neighbors are the ones that leave you alone.


I mean that sucks but there’s a chance that he’s grown up since then. Jury’s still out on you for complaining after several years though.

The argument was not about grammar by any chance?

Maybe it's time to bury the hatchet. Preferably in his skull.

So, be a normal person and ignore your neighbors. Be cordial and waive once a year and ignore them the rest of the time. The best neighbors are the ones that leave you alone.

Sdog 6

I love that you both started and ended the last clause with with.

arguments can be smoothed over or just ignore the person....

You've had one argument with him and your life is over? Wow, what will you do when you have a real problem?

Not sure it was one since the word arguments is plural. Used a instead of an. Can't trust any portion that starts and ends with with.