By pussystroker - 19/11/2009 17:20 - United Kingdom

Today, a cat came up to me on the pavement so I petted it a little. An elderly man rode past on his bicycle and shouted, "I'd like to stroke your pussy too!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 326
You deserved it 4 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments


i_is_a_tr00l 0

ME TOO! I would love too, too. ;-0

omg I peeed my pants I was laughing so hard

snagglepaste 0
UnearthlyEnemy 9

haha if i were there id give that old man a hi five

I hope I'm that quick-witted and perverted when I'm an old man.... Kinda like Lewis black.

123e3 0

OMG! I DIED when I read this, bwahaha! Thank you for the laugh!

RiskiBusiness 1
RiskiBusiness 1
ghandilover25 3

Know what I love... When people comment the same thing twice.

raineydayes 0

^^Agreed!!! One of the funniest old men too!

Hahaha, awesome! Older people always come out with hilarious comments.

You get a thumb up for cute/****** awesome profile pic

lol that's soo creepy but funny at the same time. but it's not really a fml it's just a old man joking around