Excitation morning

By Anonymous - 14/11/2019 05:00

Today, while I was in bed, my cat licked my nipple. It turned me on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 960
You deserved it 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side now you know to stock the bedside cabinet with high grit sandpaper.

I was gunna say get that pussy, but pussy got you 😽🤷🏿‍♂️


paranoidaf 7

I never WANT to do this, but i do, regularly.

manb91gb 15

You are aware you have a picture of yourself up right?

You're assuming that said profile pix is actually of her. There's no such guarantee per any of our profile pix here ie, that old axiom: "On the internet, nobody knows if you're a dog." (7-5-1993) [Wikipedia] Edit: [And no, I'm NOT calling her a dog ie, unattractive; she's cute!]

ParanoidAF, I do wish that I could up-vote your comment way more than just once. LOL! Edit: And no, I DIDN'T say that I could lick that for you if it's really a problem, right? So down-voters, STFU and let the adults in the room talk, ok?

I was gunna say get that pussy, but pussy got you 😽🤷🏿‍♂️

Wait, what? We're in Russia now? [Reference comedian Yakov Smirnoff's routine if you don't get it.]

Sure hope that you didn't return the favor in any way.... ;-) LOL!

Hey - different strokes for different folks! (Or is that licks?) ;-) LOL! But yea, said feline tongues' ARE roughly textured....

Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side now you know to stock the bedside cabinet with high grit sandpaper.

FYI: To everybody down-voting ANY comment on this pg, put down the phone & get a life - AND look for a sense of humor while you're at it, too. Sheesh!

I don't think that's the kind of pussy you should be intimate with.

J15237 25

So just going to ask. Are you male or female? Its kind of interisting, but if it lead to getting turned on and enjoying some alone time then enjoy. If you are a guy well um okay then. If you are a female I hope it at least lead to a mind blowing ******. Not really a true FML.