By pandasbear - 26/05/2010 08:18 - United States

Today, I went on a first date wearing a new hair color. It was Interior Latex Slate Speckled Grey, from accidentally leaning my head against a wall while house painting earlier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 860
You deserved it 14 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i personally prefer a Benjamin Moore midnight blue for my highlights.

MagicShyStars 6

xD I'm sorry but I think that would look pretty cool. Hey whats that new color you have in your hair? Oh, paint? That would be an awesome story to tell xD


MagicShyStars 6

xD I'm sorry but I think that would look pretty cool. Hey whats that new color you have in your hair? Oh, paint? That would be an awesome story to tell xD

xLeftoverxCrackx 0

Lol that's what I was thinking

that wall paint might have made ur hair look better

15 it'd make you look better too.... but you don't have enough hair, suckssss to be you!!!

Sun_Kissed18 25

Yeah I'd think i t was funny and cute. I agree, it would be a good conversation, plus it shows you work hard since you were painting a house. Not a big deal unless you were hoping for a perfect first impression. It may not be perfect but it was an impression :P

go flyers!!!!!! but ya that would be a cool story 2 tell

So how did you not realize you had just gotten paint on your hair? I would think it would stick to the wall... If its still wet it should wash off fairly easily I would think.

haha paint should cone out if u shower while it's still wet.

ninja fag looks like a condom. dudes a queer.

i personally prefer a Benjamin Moore midnight blue for my highlights.

And you didn't wash your hair/take a bath before leaving because?

I think it was a house nearby so they couldn't shower. if it was in op's house dam she is just retarded! xD

My guess is that she already showered or whatever, and then was leaning against the wall doing her make up or something. but idk because she wouldve seen the paint in her hair because she'd be looking in a mirror..

either way if it was in her house she should have showered. Maybe she wanted to dye her hair but was too cheap to buy some, so she used paint instead!

I've gotten paint in my hair, it takes hours to get out. there probably wasn't enough time.

BelleElle_fml 5

LMAO! Well, at least you guys had a conversation starter. :P One time I was going out on a date and my little sister thought it would be funny to draw on my face with super sharpie because I fell asleep. I didn't realize it though and answered the door. So embarrasing. :P

wastland247 0

Agreed, always be careful around wet paint.

agreed I fail to see how op thought leaning against a freshly painted wall could POSSIBLY be a good hair color or not, that shit is dumb

Didn't you notice that the wall was wet? YDI for obvious reasons but if he didn't mind then where is the fml? OMG I HAZ PAINTZ IN MI HAIR!! cmon it can be washed out no need to cry over spilt milk now.