Take it down!

By steven - 28/06/2009 15:53 - Cayman Islands

Today, I had my first kiss standing in front of my front door. It was really cute, the way you normally think about first kisses. When I got inside, I realized my mom had been watching out of her second story bedroom window, taking pictures. She put them on Facebook captioned, "My baby's first kiss!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 331
You deserved it 7 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that really just sucks XD that's a whole new definition of invasion of privacy

Your mom is either the coolest or least cool mom on the planet


This is why old people shouldn't have facebook

this is y i'm seriously glad that my parents hate facebook and stuff like that. even though i ♥ facebook :)

1. FYL 2. Untag it! :D 3. woooooOOOOOOOooo!!! was it a short and sweet one...or a nice and juicy one!? Maybe I should just ask your mother, lol.

shadow_skater_fml 0
Stevieebabyy 0

Did she tag you? Did she tag your boyfriend? If so, be like, "Take the damn picture off."

Hahahhaha. Wow.. wtf. Creepy ass mom. I would kill mine if she did that. Seriously. Wow..

hockeyplaya 0

thats exactly what my mom would have done if she saw my first kiss... except while it was happening she would say "MY BABY'S FIRST KISS!!!" as she was taking the pictures.

XD That's kind of cute of your mom, but yeah, if it was me I'd be embarressed as all hell.

aww thats so cute, At that age you might think its nasty & all that but when you get my age 18 you will start reminicing on good old days when things were simpler & well having a picture of your first kiss is not bad, BUT having it on facebook now that is just way out of line!!!