Take it down!

By steven - 28/06/2009 15:53 - Cayman Islands

Today, I had my first kiss standing in front of my front door. It was really cute, the way you normally think about first kisses. When I got inside, I realized my mom had been watching out of her second story bedroom window, taking pictures. She put them on Facebook captioned, "My baby's first kiss!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 331
You deserved it 7 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that really just sucks XD that's a whole new definition of invasion of privacy

Your mom is either the coolest or least cool mom on the planet


yourefreakindumb 0

your mom should be more respectful of your privacy

ariel_21pr 0

My mother would do something like this. FYL.

JamesM9794 0

what's wrong w that,? a lil annoying but not that bad

kcm3 0

ok i feel bad 4 u and that sucks and all but hey parents do annoying things like that but its probly a crakup 2 other people ,............ like me 4 instance.

...and that's why parents shouldn't do social networking.

aww thats so cute. on facebook? seriously, as if the family photo album wasn't enough. lol

#251, how true! One more excuse to not buy mom a computer

not that bad. my best friends mom reads her text messages especially from her boyfriend who is very sexual.