Stars of CCTV

By Anonymous - 04/03/2023 15:00

Today, my first kiss was caught by my mom's doorbell camera which links to her phone. She uploaded the video to Facebook, along with a soppy comment about her baby girl becoming all grown up. Most of my school has seen and commented on it already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 482
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is not what Beyoncé had in mind when she said if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.

Your mom had no right to share that without your knowledge. That said, don't stand in front of the camera next time.


Get your mom arrested for violating revenge **** laws. Did you know your intimate moment was being recorded? Did you give your consent to being recorded? Did you give your consent to having the video disseminated? Mom to jail. Facebook to take down video. When section 230 falls, sue Facebook for publishing your private moment.

She was standing in front of the door camera in her own home. I'd say she knew she was being recorded.

This is not what Beyoncé had in mind when she said if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.

Your mom had no right to share that without your knowledge. That said, don't stand in front of the camera next time.

Report the video to Facebook. Also, your mom violated your privacy and the law by uploading that video without your and the other person's consent.