Squirting the night away

By svet - 22/02/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob, which I don't normally do because I have a fear of getting hit in the eye. Afterwards, I went to suck a lemon to get the taste out of my mouth. Sure enough, I bit the wrong spot and had lemon juice shoot right into my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 514
You deserved it 84 251

Same thing different taste

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red_apples 0


red_apples 0

If you'd just swallow you wouldn't have to worry about **** in your eye.

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amerrah 4

Lemons are extremely sour,. Go with a lollipop so you can practice.

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There are so, so many levels of YDI here.

That's poetic justice! This world needs more ********! Pretty unlucky though ;)

Well at least it's not as bad as the other sex stories on this site. :D

Inkspell 2

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Maybe it's like when you have a shot of tequila, helps with the bitter taste??

that is THE most ironic story i have ever heard. Sorry about the mishap, but it was kinda funny.