By Junkrat - 08/12/2016 13:32

Today, I was giving my boyfriend oral sex when he pulled away without warning. As I looked up at him to see what was wrong, he screamed "JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE!" and shot his load in my eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 508
You deserved it 3 290

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not gonna lie; I'd be pissed if that happened to me, but the way you put it makes it sound so funny.

friedpwnadge 25

Guess you didn't see it cumming until it was too late.


friedpwnadge 25

Guess you didn't see it cumming until it was too late.

That was one of the best puns I've ever seen good sir

I guess you didn't see it cumming until you couldn't see anything at all

Not gonna lie; I'd be pissed if that happened to me, but the way you put it makes it sound so funny.

Iamnotfat 16

It's an overwatch quote, in the game the character flies up in the air before raining rockets down on their enemy.

#2 has a female McCree avatar... pretty sure they know it's an Overwatch quote. OP, great Name!

literally the funniest thing I've seen all week

Dodge4x4Ram 46

You should have been Soldier 76 so you could say "I've got you in my sights" and countered.

Sounds like you're about ready to unleash your Primal Rage

Actually, justice is blind. Now, you're justice.