The reverse beard

By heart-broken - 03/07/2009 01:33 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend left me. The reason? She's not actually a lesbian. She has been using our relationship to piss off her conservative parents. We've been together for over a year, and I've been in love with her for over five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 949
You deserved it 8 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one spiteful bitch. You should sneak into her room while she's sleeping and shave her head, so she really looks like a lesbian. I kid, I kid. Please refrain from the "omgz U R teh stereotyperest!!1" comments.

AlphaC 0

I would venture that the fact that you were in love with her for 4 years BEFORE you were together is a bigger FML. That said, that totally sucks.


AlphaC 0

I would venture that the fact that you were in love with her for 4 years BEFORE you were together is a bigger FML. That said, that totally sucks.

mynameisnotjudie 0

#143: she deserves severe emotional pain for something she can't help? Telling someone that they deserve something because they're gay is the same as telling them they deserved it for being black, white, or anything else you have no control over. Stop being prejudice. It's helping no one.

I can't believe you just compared sexuality to race. You're disgusting. Sexuality is a choice. I don't care what anyone else says. Now please, let the hate mail begin; I'm ready for it.

Jazzywrites007 2

Lol! SexyMcIdiot wants some attention so she/he/it posted something controversial. Good for you Kiddo!

novella0013 0

I'd like to inform you that sexuality, just like race, is something that people have no control over. Just thought I'd sort that out. Thanks :)

143: **** you, you homophobic ****!!! OP: you're ex was an attention ***** wanting to be shock her family! do you really wanna go out with someone like that? you could probably do a zillion times better than that!

198 - for someone who's apparently got quite a spiteful ******, one would assume you would learn how to best grammatically express your truck-stop lesbian style anger. Watch and learn: your = possessive of you, ie. this is YOUR double-ended *****. you're = contraction of you are, ie. YOU'RE going to hell, you dyke. In other news, you're an idiot for not learning to express your opinions in a grammatically correct fashion.

i think you'll have people on both sides of that line..... some people think its a choice.... doesnt even make sense arguing that on this website


Stupid fags love and rights are for nonhomos stop being a fag and then get love because fags suck and should die go to hell you dirty dirty fag you suck no wonder god hates you people becuse you suck fags are dumb and are the worst thing that ever walked the earth worst than hilter worst then jack the ripper worst than anything you gays are bad and you make hilter good

Jazzywrites007 2

I've never said this before.... Go ******* Kill yourself you ******* piece of shit on the face of America.

#203, no one gives a rats ass about grammar!!! it's the ******* internet! oh, and btw, i'm NOT a lesbian! if it's your business (or, maybe just to piss you off, YOU'RE) i'm bi! and no, i'm not going to hell cos i don't believe in hell! i'm an atheist! stop trying to make the rest of your religion look like idiots!!! if there was a God, he would NOT give a flying **** about sexuality, he would only care if you're a good person!!!!

syd_schs 0

they don't deserve it..she shouldn't be lesbian I mean yeahh u can help it it ain't a fucken thing like race but she dnt deserve it

screw the people who say YDI for bing gay or lesbian,what wrong with it?it's there life not yours

kaileebug 0

SexyMcBeast, I couldn't agree more. i'm not against gay people, but that is their choice! Whoever said they can't help it (143) really? haha

Wow calm down 222 gays suck alright. You're gay if you're gay!

203 ur a ******* *****-bich and get u pea sized head out of ur ass

thank you 178you said it for me I hate homophobes wat is wrong with being gay get over yourselves asswipes for god sake

mcbeast is right. I have a bisexual friend who used to be streight. he decided to go both ways because he is so overweight that no girls will pay attention to him. idc what anyone says, sexual orientation is a choice. call me homophobic, or whatever the **** you want, but I'm with McBeast and my hero EminEM on this one

hahayousucks 3

ok so gays choose to be gay, or they were born that way.... either way I don't give a shit let them go be gay somewhere else.

KY_Jelly 10

This FML has the most hating I've seen yet. If only people could argue over the TV remote(Or something else pointless) instead of arguing over whether sexuality is a choice. Alas, no. And OP: FYL I feel your pain. It looks bad now, but you'll find someone who actually wants to be with you instead of this chick who you can watch crash and burn in life later. Have fun!

That sucks. Hopefully better luck next time.

That's one spiteful bitch. You should sneak into her room while she's sleeping and shave her head, so she really looks like a lesbian. I kid, I kid. Please refrain from the "omgz U R teh stereotyperest!!1" comments.

Vampire_princess 0

omgz U R teh stereotyperest!!1 Lol jkjkjkjkjkjkjk

your comment is probably going to remain one of the funniest for this whole thread

bahahahaha #3 win yes we lesbians are dirty sinners who choose to live this way. clearly.

lmmmr 0

Rofl. I don't want to read any further then these comments. They were funny..and I know the further down I read..the less and less I want these people to have children.

and that was the funniest thing i've read all day

crazy4disaster 0

Awe man that's terrible :(

fml_buster 0

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#7, you= pervert, for wanting the link if she does that, which she probably will not

666HailSatan666 0

Burn her house down then knife her.

Good idea, I never new you could post fmls from jail

snocap12 0

bahahahahahahha thats hilarious

Glam_fml 0

What. A. Bitch. I guess just try to be happy that she's gone and now you can focus on finding someone that actually loves you and isn't just using you. 