Squirting the night away

By svet - 22/02/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob, which I don't normally do because I have a fear of getting hit in the eye. Afterwards, I went to suck a lemon to get the taste out of my mouth. Sure enough, I bit the wrong spot and had lemon juice shoot right into my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 502
You deserved it 84 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

red_apples 0


ughh why would you want someones **** in your mouth? hahahh gross

OMG I've been shot in the eye before and it BURNS...but I don't think as much as lemon juice.

Most guys (notice I say most) will forewarn a girl before they ejaculate. And just because that stuff is shooting out at approximately 15 miles per hour doesn't mean you can't avoid eye contact. Don't be afraid, he'll think you're rejecting him.

Okay, first off, cum traditionally does not taste the best but you just have to deal with it because you aren't doing it for your pleasure, you are making him happy. Second, if you have his dick in your mouth its not going to go in your eye......DUH! And yes, girls spit and women swallow but he probly wont mind if you spit if you can't handle it. Third, why in goodness name would you suck on a lemon when it doesn't even taste good? why not do some mouthwash or brush your teeth? i mean really?

thats what u get for not blowing him often enough

lifesucks3597 0

This FML is not nearly as funny as all the people posting comments. I want to know where all these girls that dont mind sucking dick are. I sure cant ever find them. HOORAY to all the people encouraging blow jobs.

LOOL there are lots of girls out there who secretly don't mind it :P you'll find one!

WowLifeDoesSuck 0

When life give you lemons, this happens.