Small talk

By livvlynette - 27/02/2010 10:15 - Australia

Today, I went to a family funeral. Talking to my grandfather, trying to chitchat, he said, "You're gaining weight, aren't you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 128
You deserved it 4 274

Same thing different taste


noobgang7 5

lol I know...obviously you are gaining weight so it must be your fault

nates0210 0

maybe it's not a bad thing... maybe he likes a little badonkadonk.

Horney4her69 0

I hate all these fmls like this... here's a hint: iF YOU DONT WANT TO BE CALLED FAT, DONT BE FAT.

asianwolf 2

that when you say "you damned hypocrite!".

Monikabug 9

When the OP said a family funeral, I believe they meant a funeral for a member of their family, not a funeral for their entire family. Just gonna throw that out there.

Misguided_Ghost 0

your stupid don't yu mean; if you don't want to be called fat, you shouldn't be posting things about how you gained weight. Of course there's gonna be people out there that's gonna call you fat. retard. =

While we're at it, 'gonna' is not a word, pendatic. Seriously, stop with correcting those tiny mistakes people make. Not everyone is an English native, you know. Let's see you talk spanish fluently (no this isn't a challenge, you get my point.) And if you do feel the need to correct someone that badly, please do it in a friendly manner. Otherwise it just screams of 'lol u r stupid i r better then u bcuz i talk english n u make mistakes lol'

It did give me good base to start didn't it? Although what you say doesn't really make sense. If you saw someone correcting someone else on a mistake in a demeaning way, and you see that person making a similar mistake, ofcourse you're going to use it against him, common logic. And I don't know, maybe we should just try to give them a break and try to respond in nicer ways to people like that? Who wasn't an internet tough gay when he was around 12, right? I mean, I'm all for correcting spelling or grammar mistakes on some occasions. Just please don't try to be demeaning or witty about it and don't focus you're entire post on it. I think that's what pisses most people off. I don't think people are exactly willing to learn if they're corrected by someone annoying, right? :P Oh and this isn't necessarily aimed at you, but can you please stop correcting ur and u, people KNOW it's you're and you, they're just too lazy to type the extra two letters, let them be.

It doesn't even mean that you're actually fat. I get that all the time (and I'm not even close to being fat). For some reason family members can't see how that kind of statement can be offensive... in fact, some of them even think it's a compliment. EDIT:// This wasn't a reply!!! Argh FML comment limbo strikes again

Rustbin, I know what you mean about the hypercritical people who apparently lurk with no other object but to insult and demean others. I've been tempted to be one when I see a flagrantly terrible comment. Pendatic isn't one of those people though. I really don't feel I can defend him any better than he's explained himself but I just wanted to confirm his statement. I've only seen him critique those who lash out at others.

Maybe your grandfather likes all the attention the guy in the casket is getting. He's just trying to get closer to his own funeral, by insulting people.

You went to a funeral for a whole family?!?!?! That takes skill. oh and FYL

Maybe you should pay a little more attention to whoever died, instead of complaining about your weight. Who cares?

korn247 5

chit chating at a funeral - odd. but fyl

perdix 29
Hiropon 0

He probably is next... meanie pedo man.

transcedental 18

hah one of my favorite jokes ^^

perdix 29

Thanks, pendatic. I resisted the temptation to start with, "You should have said. . ." and decided to go minimalist. It seems to have worked! ;)