By sunshine - 29/06/2017 02:00

Today, I saw my uncle after six months. The first thing he says to me is, 'I didn't even recognize you! You've gained so much weight.' Gee thanks uncle. Just what I wanted to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 891
You deserved it 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's the job of uncles to say things they aren't supposed to. Just remember all that counts is if your comfortable with your body.

Normally, uncles butter up their nieces, but he saw that you beat him to it.


It's the job of uncles to say things they aren't supposed to. Just remember all that counts is if your comfortable with your body.

You're* I don't understand why autocorrect thinks it knows grammar better than I do.

Normally, uncles butter up their nieces, but he saw that you beat him to it.

MommyMerida 11

My uncle once said the exact same thing to me, but he hadn't seen me in six years, not months. I had gone through puberty in the meantime, so it's not like the weight gain was in any way surprising. I remember feeling it really odd and awkward of him to say, but I guess it's more common than I realized?

bigtwobah 6

Use it as motivation. If you have actually put on that much weight that is a very serious health concern. Making lemonade out of lemons kinda thing.

neuronerd 28

It's ok, OP. I ate 3 slices of cheesecake tonight. No regrets. We can be fat together.

Don't you just 'love' family sometimes?

species4872 19

He notices which means he cares.

2087 8

who is here to have real relationship

i hadn't seen my mom in 7 yrs. first thing she said was "damn u got fat" i was less than 200lbs at the time. she was pushing 300lbs

Wahhhht 2

Hey, I feel you. My aunt gave me a coat and told me that it would make me look less fat. I was eight months pregnant.