Get me away from here, I'm dying

By fml9124 - 28/07/2020 20:00

Today, my wife filed for divorce. Last month, she was diagnosed with stage 4, terminal, inoperable cancer. We got a second (confirmed) opinion. She has maybe six months left. She told me she doesn't want to spend her last remaining days on this earth with me. Our 33rd anniversary was in May. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 806
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had a similar thing happen to a friend. The partner didn't want their wife to watch them wither and die. He moved out and wouldn't see them. It was awful, but at the same time I could see why. it may be a similar thing.

I am so sorry. I really have no words. I'm just so very sorry.


I am so sorry. I really have no words. I'm just so very sorry.

I had a similar thing happen to a friend. The partner didn't want their wife to watch them wither and die. He moved out and wouldn't see them. It was awful, but at the same time I could see why. it may be a similar thing.

mickymoose1 15

It sounds like she is trying to push you away because she doesn't want you to have to watch her go through this. Either that or she was just really unhappy in your marriage and wants to experience some happiness before she goes. I'd assume the former though due to 33 years and you sounding like you genuinely care about her. I'm sorry you're going through this. Watching people you care about go through the final stages of cancer is extremely hard on every party involved.

grace12 12

I’m so sorry about that I just want you to know God knows the best

I wonder if anyone else's life in this scenario is as F'ed as the OP's. Wait...

icalledhisname 12

I’m so sorry. My stepfather just passed away from cancer. My guess is also that your wife is pushing you away so either you don’t have to watch her decline, or she’s just responding to the situation by wanting to be alone. People cope with the death process in all kinds of ways. It doesn’t make it any easier for you, cancer is harder for family members than the people going through it sometimes. I wish you well through this difficult time.

genuinegoodguy 9

So sad. I had very similar thoughts myself.

That’s heartbreaking. I am so sorry. Big hug

nopeitsjustdan 4

******* hell. Sorry to hear that yo.