Bodyshaming ain't cool

By spinspinsugar - 24/02/2021 14:01 - United States - Camillus

Today, I was video chatting with my dad. He handed the phone to his wife, whose first words out of her mouth were, "Why are you getting so skinny?" This was also the same woman whose first words out of her mouth when they came to visit us 3 years ago was how much weight I've gained. FML
I agree, your life sucks 918
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh well, sounds like the perfect time to say "I don't know, why aren't you getting younger?"


People like this jist can't stand their lives unless they are cutting other people down. If you're losing weight, go you!!! I've been working on that too so I know how hard it can be. You don't need her approval. you only need YOUR appeobal

so? doesnt sound malicious from just those two examples, seem more like she has nothing better for starting a convo with

Oh well, sounds like the perfect time to say "I don't know, why aren't you getting younger?"

Maybe she's doing this purposefully so you won't want to talk or see your dad anymore and she will have him all to herself