By itsjustmyluck - 09/11/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I was in line at the store behind a lady and her young daughter. Trying to be polite I smiled at the little girl. She burst into tears asking her mommy 'what is wrong with that ladies teeth'. Apparently braces on a 25 year old is not 'kid friendly'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 328
You deserved it 3 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have started laughing maniacally saying "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU UP, LITTLE GIRL".

She probably thought you were gonna eat her or something


She probably thought you were gonna eat her or something

morningwoody 0

OP...YDI for eating little girl ...shame on you!!!!!

the_stereotype 0

that is one ******* stupid kid. what little kid hasn't seen braces before? and at 24, it's not like you're aging or something. don't worry, she'll probably grow up to be a hideous teenager who's going to need everything fixed.

the little girl seem to be a little is not a big deal..

cerebellum_fml 0

Ahh its just the bling that hurts the kids eye. its all good though you know you are pimpin those braces. shine on.

deathburger13 0

wtf lol my mom had braces at like 40

You should have started laughing maniacally saying "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU UP, LITTLE GIRL".

the little girl would shit her pants!!!!!!!

OP probably looked liked this:

Lol. You can close this puppy up, #8 just won.

I am sorry i had a kid completely shocked in Halloween when he saw mine. I am the same age and I had a front baby tooth that never came out so not only do i have braces but I also have all these attachments to pull the adult tooth down and a hole in the front of my mouth

Wow, kids are weird... I have a teacher with braces and I first thought she had dirty teeth cause they were the see through kind of braces but still visible, but then I realized it was braces... Hasn't the kid seen braces before? It's not that uncommon... FYL

hornetchik 0

Aw braces are alllll good, at least you will have beautiful teeth afterwards!