
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I walked into my house with a couple of friends and I saw my girlfriend doing laundry. I jokingly asked her if she had time to do a load of mine as well. She scoffed and said, "Yeah babe, I'll gladly do your laundry… The same day you learn to wipe properly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 767
You deserved it 55 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well...learn to wipe and you will never have to do your laundry again


"Attitudes like that make you get featured on FML for accidentally kissing your cat's butthole because you don't have a man to roll over too [sic]." Attitudes and grammar like yours are why I'd rather deal with my cat's butthole than a man-sized butthole like you. Lord help your poor wife...she can PM me when she realizes that she can survive, even thrive, without a partner, especially one like you.

#82, This isn't about doing the laundry or helping out around the house. This is about her boyfriend being a macho bunghole in front of his friends by "jokingly" asking her to do his laundry too. This is about him treating her like being the house girlfriend is part of her job description. This is about her not taking his attitude in front of his friends and putting him in his place. I mean hell, it's likely she *does* do his laundry enough if she knows he's not wiping properly. I agree in that each part of a relationship can help out around the house, but you want your girlfriend or wife to do shit for you, ask respectfully, and not in front of your friends. Her *attitude* was a direct response to *his*. And your comment regarding "Most men work hard every day." Don't many if not most WOMEN work hard every day as well? Where did Op say anything about either of their lives regarding work or not? Your attitude right there tells me that you put more value into a man working than into a woman working? Knock it off.

Do people seriously go around walking with shit in their underwear from improper wiping?? What's even worse is letting your girlfriend see it, OP. Absolutely disgusting.

Dude, you really gave to double check before you pull your under daks back on.

And you wonder why your mother used to mutter, "Just wait 'til he gets a girlfriend...."

maybe she thought you were saying that because ur friends were there ydi