
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I walked into my house with a couple of friends and I saw my girlfriend doing laundry. I jokingly asked her if she had time to do a load of mine as well. She scoffed and said, "Yeah babe, I'll gladly do your laundry… The same day you learn to wipe properly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 767
You deserved it 55 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well...learn to wipe and you will never have to do your laundry again


That was a litlle bit too much information I needed to know about you OP.

Nastorrian 11

And that atrocity of a sentence was hard to read..

If you were trying to impress your friends with your remark you richly deserve for the embarrassment she just handed out. Score for the girlfriend!

HammyBear13 8

Ok, going out on a limb here, but it sounds like yall live together. If yall live together and shes already doing the laundry, shitstains or not, she can do your laundry too. Do your tshirts and socks and jeans have shitstains? I see no problem in that bitch doin them with her clothes; If anythin it saves time.

And it's likely that she *does* some of his laundry with hers - if in fact they do live together. The problem is that he tried being a macho asshole in front of his friends by asking that, and he got a well deserved response from her. I don't care who you are. If you want your gf to do something, don't treat her like that kinda thing is her job description when your friends are around. There are other -nicer ways to go about that.

Let's see here: Can't wipe properly, is a pig to her in front of friends, probably expects her to do all the housework. There aren't enough YDIs in the universe for OP.

Nastorrian 11

You don't know their relationship yet you call him a pig? It could have been witty banter between the both of them. You must have been the one who posted about kissing the cats butthole while in the dark because you don't have a man to roll over to because your attitude sucks. A pig... Nice judgement on people you don't know.

whoa there, #84! I agree that she may be reading into the FML a little too much. However, that is no excuse for attacking her. Practice what you preach, dude.

Wrong, 84. I've yet to post an FML on here. Good job on assuming though. ******* dumbass. Also, I'm straight. I don't want a "man to roll over to." Again, nice assuming, dumbfuck.

That's ******* disgusting. What are you, 4?

What is it with men and shitty pants? I never leave shit in my pants

learn to wipe. use baby wipes if you need to but shit stained underwear is disgusting.