
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, I walked into my house with a couple of friends and I saw my girlfriend doing laundry. I jokingly asked her if she had time to do a load of mine as well. She scoffed and said, "Yeah babe, I'll gladly do your laundry… The same day you learn to wipe properly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 767
You deserved it 55 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well...learn to wipe and you will never have to do your laundry again


sounds all too familiar... the stains in bf/hubbys pants i mean. don't know what guys are doing wrong but somehow i would even say the majority are doing it wrong. i wonder if mom and dad didn't do their job explaining and showing it to them when the potty days finally came.

squarecircles 13

Honestly, I don't blame her one bit. That's just gross.

jman26 11

That sounds like something my fiancée would say... I love her spunkiness

Nastorrian 11

A quality I love in ny wife also. Nothing better than knowing I can joke and have done" witty banter" with her and won't be castrated for it.

I've seen plenty of skid marks in my girlfriends underwear, and it wasn't from shit

you don't know how to wipe your butt? you are disgusting.

Nastorrian 11

Take that advice and wipe with it... Yea...I went there...Sigh..

Nastorrian 11

I'm sorry but my wife does our laundry. Granted I don't leave her presents in my underwear but I don't see a problem with her doing laundry. Most men work hard every day so. the wife doing laundry shouldn't be such a terrible thing. Why do women think they are stepping back in time if they help out around the house. This miss independent movement is fine and all but don't act like your to good to do laundry or to good for a man. We all need a partner, no matter how independent you think you are. Give and take doesn't put a woman back into the 80s. The whole she isn't your mother thing is silly. Attitudes like that make you get featured on FML for accidentally kissing your cat's butthole because you don't have a man to roll over too. Just ask the most recent FML front pager.This isn't to bash anyone but it's silly to see people come off like that like they are to good to do laundry and say things like" I'm not your mother" Or make a comment like that one like you just did. A good balance is key to anything, especially a relationship.