By Pepe - 16/11/2008 05:54 - France

Today, my girlfriend said to me, "You know, you only have to wash 3 times a week to be clean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 533
You deserved it 7 833

Same thing different taste

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if someone doesnt smell atrocious does it really matter how much they shower? the human body is never truly "clean" so if you feel clean enough and not gross or if you don't smell terrible i really don't think it matters how much you shower. personally, i shower usually once a day but it depends on many factors, mostly weather. if its a hot day and i sweat up a storm i'll prob shower more. if not, maybe only once a day. just saying, let people shower as much as you want the body will accumulate bacteria anyways. just don't smell and it should affect any other person what you do

poison29 0

showering every other day is fine. showering and washing your hair every day depletes your body of its natural oils


guesswho_fml 0

if she tells you that ... how often does she wash ... make you think .. ah!

Can I just say, 9/10 times the goal in FML is to get many likes on a comment... Do you really think "lol!" On a different dumbfucked comment would even get you one?

#4 - OCD is when you're compelled to repeat *meaningless* actions.

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SayPeanuts 29

You don't need to shower everyday to be clean, unless you live in a hot climate that causes you to sweat frequently or go to the gym daily.

what the **** dumbass, showering every day is bad for your skin!!! what a ******* ********

i agree with #4, but that only applies if you don't spend most of the day in the pool

kazziikitten666 0

erm no its not actually thanks c**t

you know.. showering isn't ever really a bad thing. I say do what you gotta do.

xMooMoox 0

Every two days #3? I hope you mean every other day by that. And really depending on where you live, what your days are like, what body size you are, how much/how easily you sweat you need to shower more. I live in Florida and if you go outside for more then 10 mins (in the summer) you start to sweat. In parts of Alaska the summer time average is around 70-80 so you probably need to shower less, unless say your a construction worker. If your 200 pounds you get hotter faster, If your 100 you stay cooler. So saying showering more then every two days is "OCD" is wrong and it wouldn't be OCD anyway. I sincerely hope you at least wash your face. And some people like to be cleaner then others. I shower everyday, it makes me feel better. And helps my skin as I moisturize every time I get out of the bath.

lottso88 4

I really dont think there is any fact behind "fat people get hot faster."

Actually, there is. It is faster for them to sweat/overheat, as it takes a lot more effort to do everyday things than a healthy person. Overweight people perspire at a faster rate. Ever wondered why fat people get so winded while using the stairs, etc.? Yeah.

I take a shower every night. Sometimes I just use soap and skip my hair though. What with preserving the natural oils and all. It's not because it's hot where I live, I just like the warmth of showers. I also like the clean feeling I get. Even if I'm not really all that dirty (I spend a day in school where a thousand sick kids are, so yes... That would be a good thing). But I /do/ have a tendency to wash my hands more than I need to in one day. o_O

#7 - "#4 - OCD is when you're compelled to repeat *meaningless* actions." You're halfway right. That's the "compulsive" part of obsessive compulsive disorder. the "obsessive" part of it can be related to something not being clean enough.