By Nola - 27/04/2017 12:00

Today, I watched my mother pull her pants down and, using her hands, feel her butt crack to check if she'd had had an accident. She then pulled her pants up, went into the kitchen and touched stuff in the refrigerator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 273
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyCS5 19

Why in the hell would you sit there and watch that?!?!? I would have looked away immediately at the sight of something suspicious!

Wait till you find out the secret ingredient to all her special cooking. Love I tell you, it's love!


AnthonyCS5 19

Why in the hell would you sit there and watch that?!?!? I would have looked away immediately at the sight of something suspicious!

Wait till you find out the secret ingredient to all her special cooking. Love I tell you, it's love!

Burn the house down. Who knows what else she has touched after she has done that

Well, she HAS been feeding you since birth...NOW you complain?

Aiden89 23

I was eating breakfast when I read this...ugh

And that kids, is how fecal matter and bacteria get into the food chain. Bon Appetit!

Sounds like a highly-effective weight-loss plan! Let's brand it as the "Eat Shit and Die Diet."

Mooglefox 23

I take it you have never been to the grocery area of a Wal Mart before...