
By BruisedPride - 10/09/2019 12:00

Today, I fell down concrete stairs trying to plug my computer into an outlet. I now have a twisted ankle, scrape on my elbow and a huge scratch across my laptop. The best part? The outlet wasn't even working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 348
You deserved it 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m sure there’s a completely reasonable explanation for how plugging in your laptop led to you falling down the stairs, but out of context I just can’t imagine how that could happen lol. Glad you’re mostly okay - feel better soon!

Next time perhaps, plug the power cord into the outlet BEFORE doing so to your laptop to avoid damaging it again.... JS.


I’m sure there’s a completely reasonable explanation for how plugging in your laptop led to you falling down the stairs, but out of context I just can’t imagine how that could happen lol. Glad you’re mostly okay - feel better soon!

That's got to be the nicest way of saying 'just how the **** did you manage that? ' I've ever heard🤣🤣🤣

Next time perhaps, plug the power cord into the outlet BEFORE doing so to your laptop to avoid damaging it again.... JS.