Run for the hills!

By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States

Today, I went to my high school reunion. I was super excited to see what everyone had done in their lives. The nerdy guy I bullied is now a U.S. Marine and already has two deployments in Afghanistan under his belt. He looked at me in his dress blues and said, "I remember you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 249
You deserved it 135 158

Same thing different taste


sofarfromreal89 0

marines don't wear dress blues. that would be army since that's what I have.

Marines DO wear dress blues.. Just because that's what you have doesn't mean another force can't have it

In fact I just looked. The only force that doesn't wear blue is the navy/ coastal guard who wear white in summer and, you guessed it, blue in winter.. If this is wrong blame wikipedia I'm from the UK so I don't know :p

awardZu 0

You're right. We all wear blues, although we all have variants on the dress uniform.

I see they are all different, from force to force and by rank etc. I find myself a little too interested in it now lol. Our Royal Marines have a reputation here of being blood thirsty psychos. To be fair the ones I've met are! Do you have the same thing in the US?

navalacademy2015 4

Ok army retard (I presume you are enlisted). Army. Dress blues and gray for officers. Air force; dress blues; navy summer dress whites winter dress blues; the corps, dress blues. And the coast guard mimics navy. Don't get me started on the merchant marines. SOURCE: LOOK AT MY USERNAME. GO NAVY! BEAT ARMY!!!

stallion2521 0

oooo I only hope he whooped your ass

Lieto 1

If only you knew what us marines did in afghanistan.. Anyway is being marine = cool or something? In our country you only go to army if you arnt good at anything else. I mean Anything.

totally deserved... the fact that you admitted to bullying proves you are an asshole. hope he beat the crap out of you.

sharkwkrox 0

dude you suck. obviously he's gonna be successful. nice job being a dirtbag...nobody likes bullies.

BLoDo7 0

you deserve it douchebag, the strong survive, and you clearly helped him to adapt.

stonerbitchchic4 0

Hahaha this is why we dont bully anyone because one day they'll probably kick your lil bitch ass