By polemania - 11/07/2016 05:23 - United States

Today, I had an employee come in 20 minutes late with the excuse, "There's a Pokemon gym across the street!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 470
You deserved it 1 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My boss just had to ban Pokémon Go because all of our employees walked out yesterday to find a Squirtle.

Unless your workplace is also a gym, I see no problem.


Unless your workplace is also a gym, I see no problem.

He's trying to wheedle his way into your good graces after that debacle.

My boss just had to ban Pokémon Go because all of our employees walked out yesterday to find a Squirtle.

How tf can he ban a game? He can't delete from their phones.

#16-Banned it from being played at

Lizzy500 16

Is that what they're calling"morning wood" these days?

That's the first Pokémon I caught #3. And WTF #36?

And when they're unemployed, they'll have all the time in the world to catch 'em all.

Please for the love of everything unholy, fire the bloody idiot.

Or OP can at least give a written warning, so other employees will know that the boss is serious.

I'm with #9 on this one. There are plenty of acceptable reasons to be late; "I stood outside playing Pokemon GO for 20 minutes" isn't one of them. Two minutes I could let slide, but not 20.

Looks like they just Jynxed their employment

I think I've been an hour late twice now due to grabbing Pokemon in my neighborhood before I started work. Of course, the game has only been out for two work days...

An hour late??? TWICE? Dude, get your priorities straight.

corky1992 33

Keep that up and you won't have a job soon.

Seriously, how do you still have a job?

#12 will be out a job soon, or should be. And a lot of others. Prioritize your time better

Most jobs let you set your own hours. As long as I'm not in past a certain time, it doesnt matter