By xmelissadavisx - 28/11/2015 12:21

Today, the man sitting next to me on the train looked like he was about to be sick. I quickly handed him the nearest bag I could find, a bag full of my lunch for that day. Safe to say he held nothing back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 568
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even though he puked on your lunch, it was a nice thing to do op!

Better to have no lunch than to be covered in vomit!


Better to have no lunch than to be covered in vomit!

Oh I 'get' grammar. Just sick and tired of people nitpicking every little mistake people make!

Except those two sentences are very different. "Then to be covered in vomit" means you got no lunch and somebody puked on you afterwards which would be a lot worse than this FML.

Well by the time I realized my mistake I was no longer able to correct it. But I'm sure people understand what I was getting at

Usually I hate the grammar nitpickers too, but that one was kinda funny.

Even though he puked on your lunch, it was a nice thing to do op!

It's better to have to buy lunch than be covered in vomit, and he will no doubt be incredibly grateful

Very nice of you, you're very empathetic. Sorry about your lunch

It's sort of romantic—you guys both lost your food at the same time.

This could be the gross start to a beautiful romance

I hope you didn't eat your lunch anyways.

YDI for being so absent-minded but you are still a good person.

At least OP didn't grab someone else's bag.

Despite the fact you may have had to buy your lunch, it was very kind of you to do that. :)

How kind of you! I'd have probably moved...