Run for the hills!

By kringr - 06/06/2011 00:52 - United States

Today, I went to my high school reunion. I was super excited to see what everyone had done in their lives. The nerdy guy I bullied is now a U.S. Marine and already has two deployments in Afghanistan under his belt. He looked at me in his dress blues and said, "I remember you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 249
You deserved it 135 158

Same thing different taste


I love how a lot of people are saying how they hope he got his ass beat. that wouldn't happen, he has rules to follow. even though I'm sure the thought crossed his mind. and so effin what he's a marine. not all marines are bad asses, as much as I respect that branch.

Ever_16 8

You deserve it for bullying, @$$hole!

dcrider 0

can't mess with the marines... I hope he knocked ur teeth out

yeah, my bf is in the army, you dont mess with them...

pan1cked 0

not the same kind of people. at all n

missnuthin 10

Ahahahaha!!!! I sure hope the marine was respectful and mature and wasn't a jerk to you now despite that you admit to bullying him then! Because that'd be even more "you deserve it"!

OP cannot believe how hard I'm laughing at him right now XD