
By Fuck - 25/02/2015 21:39 - United States - Fowler

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend. In the middle of it, he started saying in deep voice, "Enter, exit." Over and over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 736
You deserved it 4 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Was he trying to give directions to himself? Afraid he might skip a step?

While I think it's a good idea to not force sex to be a serious thing, I also think that that's weird and not remotely sexy.


Communication is key, tell him it's ******* creepy, don't just whine on a social app

maybe he needs to remind himself how to have sex lol

...wait in the middle... That should have been the end...

Ohmygod I can't... This is too funny! Honestly, if I were you, I'd have been laughing my ass off right then and there.

LOL I Think I'll do the same from time to time :D

Sorry but that is ****** funny.. Sorry it sucks

sweetsammm1991 5

probably to either keep from cumming or to keep his rhythm. that's when you turn on "mood music" so you can stay in the mood and he can be awkward without you having to hear it. lol.