
By growlr - 20/07/2011 09:17 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend told me my vagina looks like an old man in a hat. It's OK though, he said it was a nice hat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 838
You deserved it 5 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well tell him that he won't be seeing the old man and his hat for while

tell him his penis looks like a SMALL sleepy turtle! hahaha


you must have one nice ass pussy!!

She never mentioned her donkey's ******.

deadbabyjesus 2

**** you, your old cracker man in a hat, your dog, sheep, and cow, kids, aunt, boyfriend, stupid brain, ugly face, nazi grandma, pet worm, jacket, couch, curtains, toe, forefinger, blanket, ceiling, dirt, freaky shit like that you really want to do to me, and little ear pimp.

MsMeiriona 2

Obvious joke: Tell him the old man wants a kiss. Hm, nope, that's all I got. Damn.

Sorry, but to tell your boyfriend the truth, but it turns out it wasn't you, it actually WAS an old man with a top hat.

sw33th3art 3

tell him you have ****** dentata !!! muahahaha

e37098 0

I think you should send me a pic for further research

this made my day! it's ok it's a nice hat! that's the best. you should then reply well thank you I try but this nice hat of mine needs to go find a new hat rack to use!

Lovelyfailure 16

Well, at least it's a nice hat. Lol.

ZombieNyamCat 6

ok, lady. your boyfriend is as ******* retarded as all or the cast of the ringer. . . combined. everybody knows only hillary clinton has teeth in her ******. . . because she is the spawn of satan. . . and apparently, so are you . . . trolololololololololololol