By Anonymous - 22/06/2016 21:15 - Finland - Kouvola

Today, I was in a clothing store with my girlfriend. I saw the ugliest hat ever on a hat shelf, tried it on and said to my girlfriend, "Look at this ugly hat, it's absolutely horrible. It's even dirty." An old woman stood next to me said, "Well no wonder it's ugly, it's mine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 568
You deserved it 6 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No wonder it's ugly, it's mine". Does anyone else think this old lady sounds pretty awesome?

jentrynicole 20

There was no way you could have known! I assume she put it there while trying another hat on, how were you supposed to know it was hers unless you saw her out it there?


I literally had nothing to say but just didn't want someone to have the opportunity to say that one word we all hate

Well you could, you know, just say nothing?

hellobobismyname 24

Admit it, you wanted to say "that word" but knew you would be down voted, so you gave us a comment that was just as equally pointless, under the guise of also hating people who claim being first. Tsk. And if you "literally" had nothing to say, then this thread would not exist.

jentrynicole 20

There was no way you could have known! I assume she put it there while trying another hat on, how were you supposed to know it was hers unless you saw her out it there?

You're right there's no way to tell the difference between a used, dirty hat that someone wore to the store and a piece of brand new clothing.

You must not get out much #23. Because there's plenty of clothing companies that put out styles they think people will buy, when in reality it looks like someone who works at the store pulled it out of the trash, stuck a price tag on it, and threw it on a shelf or rack.

Could have been worse, those old ladies can be unpredictable these days.

"No wonder it's ugly, it's mine". Does anyone else think this old lady sounds pretty awesome?

That was my first thought! Definitely an awesome old lady.

Or someone with really bad self-esteem that was seriously hurt.

Big_D_Real 12

No, old people don't get butt hurt over little things. That's what the new generation does.

Why would you be picking up and trying on dirty hats in the first place?

well there are some pretty fugly stuff that has been designed and sold before. it wouldn't be the first time.

I know it's too late now, but if this unlikely situation ever happens again: "..and you madam, make it look absolutely stunning!"

Nah, that sounds like you are backpedaling, trying to take back what you said only after you realize they're standing right there, at least to me. If it were said to me, I wouldn't appreciate it in this context.

Do you want lice? Thats how you get lice?