By iJehx - 13/07/2009 22:18 - United States

Today, I had to clean my walls with those Mr Clean Magic Sponges because we were having visitors. I got bored and started drawing penises with it because they would leave wet marks. There is nothing magic about how slow they dry when your visitors come an hour early. They saw all ten of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 439
You deserved it 65 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

couldn't you just make more wet marks over them after you finished drawing your penises?

Crimson_regret 0

smoooth move. phalic drawings never end well, I've learned that from this website.


Crimson_regret 0

smoooth move. phalic drawings never end well, I've learned that from this website.


lol me too, don't draw penises kids :D

mikakarie 0

Haha what's with this new penis drawing obsession anyway.

#34, I know. people are just being gay. Why don't they draw something not gay

EvaXRose 0

Dude! I did that shit too! High FIve for common Idiotism!

Loser390 0

@43, Atleast it wasn't Vegitarian.

chocoLIFE_fml 2

i agree i am sick of those idoits drawing such things :/

no. gay = bad, vegetarian = good. get your facts straight.

greenltrn2003 0

exaaactly. When will people learn.

agreed with #34... if a girl draws it- it's what they want.....if it's a guy it's what they wish they had lol

PrimeStarscream 30

couldn't you just make more wet marks over them after you finished drawing your penises?

My thoughts exactly. Why not just wash the rest of the wall so that it's all one big wet mark? Or you know, paper towel is perdy handy. old are you?

ok people, haven't we learned to NOT draw penises every chance we get? Good lord...

God..this is like the 5th penis drawing FML that i've read. come on..if u gonna make fake FMLs at least make then orignial :P YDI.

chloroformxboy 0

why the hell would you draw penises ?

ashole1990 10

the real question is why wouldnt you? its endless entertainment

tweetard 0

It's obvious he's possesed by some kind of dick demon

chloroformxboy 0

yes, but HE's a dude. I mean, wouldn't he at least draw boobs ?

Just because you're male doesn't mean you always like boobs. And isn't it usually men that get caught drawing penises?

Roseyro 0

Bahahahah this made me laugh

alexgisforme3 0
onealhart54 0
Hiimhaileypotter 52
niemann2006 0

this sounds just like that one FML with the girl who drew that on the board of the kids she was babysitting... and if it's true, couldn't you just go over them again with the same sponge?

What's up with people drawing penises everywhere?! Good lord.