New creepypasta just dropped

By oh_mylanta - 02/03/2009 09:10 - United States

Today, I went to work to find my creepy boss sitting in my office. I work the night shift, so it was very unusual to find him there. I asked how he was, and he replied, "I told my wife about us; she kicked me out." I've been working there a month. Also, I'm married and pregnant. So, excuse me, "US?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 542
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste


FMLobsessed 0
mssrmb 0

i think you should quit your job before you get hurt

PhantomPanic 0

Oh gee! get out of there! D: talk about creepers... O _o

sucks_4_u 0

UMMMM.... you didnt make it clear whether or not you've hooked up with him

This could actually become a really serious problem. Sometimes when people get obsessed with another person they think that they're dating, lovers, or even married sometimes. If he's that obsessed then it doesn't matter what you do he'll still take it as flirting. People like that can become extremely dangerous, you should report him to your higher ups and start carrying some mace with you, you may also want to consider legal action or finding a new job.

excuse 0

To all of the people saying "are you sure you weren't doing anything to lead him on?" I have to say, you are the very reason there are so many rape victims too afraid to report it or even talk about it. Most likely if she was doing anything to make him think she was interested, she probably didn't realize it or she wouldn't be so shocked at his comment. If she was flirting, knowingly or not, it does NOT excuse his behavior even for a second. Anyone who thinks flirting automatically implies anything more than that needs a serious reality check. However, in this case it sounds like she wasn't doing anything to give him any reason to think there was something going on and, even if she was unknowingly doing that, he is still her boss and she is still married and pregnant and nothing about what he did is in any way professional. In fact, it's very obsessive and stalkerish behavior and should be immediately reported. Oh, and a final note, anyone who thinks women should be constantly analyzing their every word and action just to make sure they're not accidentally leading someone on, needs a swift kick in the face with a pair of steel-toed combat boots. Let's hope none of you ever get raped, the guilt alone will send you to your grave.

Thats retarded as i read that I died a little on the inside.

This would qualify for calling the police.

I agree with #28 completely. And you should report him and get a new job ASAP. That is seriously freaky.