By Not Jewish - 02/03/2009 08:10 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were being driven home from our date by her mother. She's Jewish and I'm Catholic. Her mother was talking about how my girlfriend was going on a trip to Jerusalem that summer. She finished with "And you can find a nice Jewish boy while you're there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 073
You deserved it 4 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I dated a white girl with a racist father (I'm a half black half Asian). We just dealt with it and eventually he just kind've lightened up. Just keep at it and it'll get better. Although this girl did cheat on me after a 2-year long relationship so....yeah....

Idyedmyhairblack 0

dont worry.... im pretty sure most jewish parents say that.. i know mine do.


I dated a white girl with a racist father (I'm a half black half Asian). We just dealt with it and eventually he just kind've lightened up. Just keep at it and it'll get better. Although this girl did cheat on me after a 2-year long relationship so....yeah....

Kiebland 0
snowman2684 1

1, it's not racist, but she definitely should not have been so blunt about it, especially in front of your face 3,4 racists much? i'm jewish and i know many many good jewish boys. so i would call you racists.

It sucks that she would say that in front of you, but just keep at it, and she'll eventually lighten up. Everyone starts out prejudiced in some way. Some people are just more vocal about it than others.

Idyedmyhairblack 0

dont worry.... im pretty sure most jewish parents say that.. i know mine do.

aw man, im sorry. its alright though most of my jewish friends' moms are like that. #7, technically none of this is racist because judaism isnt its own race