Food for thought

By Michael - 20/03/2021 05:02 - United States - Lincoln

Today, while assisting my 2 year-old with potty training, she stuck her hand in her own poop, and when I wasn't expecting it, put her fingers in my mouth. Ever wondered what a green blowout tastes like? I don't have to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 170
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxlk4xx 6

my toddler once got poop on her hands then managed to get it in my hair lol 😆 but if I had to choose I'd rather the hair and not my mouth lol

Warp1978 15

Yep I've been there 😄 oh the joys of parenting


Warp1978 15

Yep I've been there 😄 oh the joys of parenting

xxlk4xx 6

my toddler once got poop on her hands then managed to get it in my hair lol 😆 but if I had to choose I'd rather the hair and not my mouth lol

Out of curiosity, what does blow out poop taste like? Haha

raingirl 5

And that's birth control for me. FYL.